
This life-sized work is for the city of San Diego. It is a lifeguard holding a rescue "can" and a pair of swim fins. His chin is sticking out and he is looking out into the waves "to see if that guy is ok." To see the work in progress click the thumbnail photo.
“Daughters of the Third World”
Two small girls, wrapped in their dead mother's shawl, wrapped in the silence of want, yet touched by the smallest joys born of the goodness and care of strangers, are the subject of Richard's work. Currently this sculpture is in the formation stage in clay, photographed in a fabric shawl. To view this work in progress, click on the thumbnail at right.
The falcon is diving through the air with wings bent for sped. To see the work in progress click on the photo.
“Veterans’ Memorial” in Plaquemine, Louisiana.
Richard's sculpture will include five figures — an old WWII vet sitting and remembering; a young man with his hands behind his back, reflecting, thinking; a Black veterand reading the words on the wall; and a mother holding her small daughter's hand. The mother will be looking up at the memorial sign while the little girl is reaching out for the water surface at the reflecting pool. To see the progression and installtion of the work, click the image below.
Fruita, Colorado “Welcome Home” Sculpture
From: Field of Dreams, Welcome Home Project:
By Jennie Aubert
Telluride sculptor Richard Arnold has more to share with the Western Slope Vietnam War Memorial's "Welcome Home" project than just his talent as a large-scale bronze artist. Arnold is also a Vietnam vet, who served as a U.S. Army military police investigator in Da Nang for the first half of his tour, and put together the lifeguard program on China Beach in Da Nang during the second half. He was 22-years-old when he was sent to Vietnam in 1965.
"I was there like most young men — scared — and when I got home I was not welcomed," says Arnold.
"The Welcome Home" Project was coined for Vietnam veterans, like Arnold, who never received a welcome home upon their return. For many young men and women, the only welcome they received was from their families.

The vision for Arnold's bronze piece is a mother and father welcoming home their son from duty, yet will symbolically provide a welcome home to all men and women who have served our country…
The "Welcome Home" project aims to create an atmosphere that restores the spirit of those who may not have been given a welcome home.
The life-sized, three-figure bronze will be next to the Huey helicopter at the Memorial in Fruita, Colorado, and will be completed by the summer of 2006.
Telluride, Colorado Miners' Memorial
Colorado's San Miguel County Commissioner, Art Goodtimes, conceived the idea of a Telluride Miners' Memorial in fall 2004. Because Telluride owed her existence to miners, yet had a dark time in her history when several mine owners, her leading citizens, and their hired gunmen illegally and brutally drove union miners, their families, and supporters from the town, Goodtimes believes such a memorial will heal the shadows of 100 years ago. The life-size bronze, featuring Vincent St. John, Telluride's own unsung hero, will restore the miners to their rightful place in this mountain town's history, acknowledging their many contributions, honoring their sacrifices and heartaches, commemorating those who died in the great Bullion Tunnel fire and other local disasters, and celebrating the miners' boisterous camaraderie. The Telluride Miners' Memorial is being designed and created by Telluride sculptor, Richard Arnold. The work is being funded through contributions from local and national donors.
For more information on this work in progress, click here:
Telluride Miners' Memorial
Aspen, Colorado Francis Whittiker Memorial
The beloved long-time blacksmith of Aspen, Colorado, Francis Whittiker, has left his legacy of artistry throughout the Roaring Fork region. In his memory, the Aspen township has commissioned Richard Arnold to create a bronze of this famous blacksmith for the public park named in his honor.